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网投十大信誉平台: 中心成员

网投十大信誉平台:李争    副研究员

Email: zhengli@ynu.edu.cn











Yu, M., Sun, Y., Ma, R., Mu, H., Liu, D., Li, Z., 2024. YNU Flower: a market-oriented benchmark dataset for flower classification. Scientia Horticulturae 338, 113510.

Yang, Y., Lu, Z., Ye, H., Li, J., Zhou, Y., Zhang, L., Deng, G., Li, Z., 2024. Proteomic and metabolomic insights into the mechanisms of calcium-mediated salt stress tolerance in hemp. Plant Molecular Biology 114, 126.

Li, Z., Ma, R., Bhalerao, R.P., 2024. Perenniality: the tale of three MADS-box genes. Cell Research 34, 753–754.

Yang, Y., Cheng, Y., Lu, Z., Ye, H., Du, G., Li, Z., 2024. Comparative proteomic and metabolomic analyses reveal stress responses of hemp to salinity. Plant Cell Report 43, 154.

Lian, X., Zhong, L., Bai, Y., Guang, X., Tang, S., Guo, X., Wei, T., Yang, F., Zhang, Y., Huang, G., Zhang, J., Shao, L., Lei, G., Li, Z., Sahu, S.K., Zhang, S., Liu, H., Hu, F., 2024. Spatiotemporal transcriptomic atlas of rhizome formation in Oryza longistaminata. Plant Biotechnology Journal 22, 1652–1668.

Li, Z., 2023. Small does not mean less. Science 381, 914.

Ma, J., Li, J., He, H., Jin, X., Cesarino, I., Zeng, W., Li, Z., 2022. Characterization of sensory properties of Yunnan coffee. Current Research in Food Science 5, 1205–1215.

Li, W., Zhang, S., Huang, G., Huang, L., Zhang, J., Li, Z.#, Hu, F.#, 2022. A genetic network underlying rhizome development in Oryza longistaminata. Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 866165.  (#Co-corresponding author)

He, F., Yu, H., Liu, D., Li, Z., 2022. Microorganism community composition analysis coupling with 15N tracer experiments reveals the nitrification rate and N2O emissions in low pH soils in Southern China. Open Life Sciences 17, 55–63.

An, Y., Lu, W., Li, W., Pan, L., Lu, M., Cesarino, I., Li, Z.#, Zeng, W.#, 2022. Dietary fiber in plant cell walls—the healthy carbohydrates. Food Quality and Safety 6, fyab037. (#Co-corresponding author)

Li, Z., Lathe, R.S., Li, J., He, H., Bhalerao, R.P., 2022. Towards understanding the biological foundations of perenniality. Trends in Plant Science 27, 56–68.

Li, Z., Zhang, C., Zhang, Y., Zeng, W., Cesarino, I., 2021. Coffee cell walls—composition, influence on cup quality and opportunities for coffee improvements. Food Quality and Safety 5, fyab012.

Li, Z., Omranian, N., Neumetzler, L., Wang, T., Herter, T., Usadel, B., Demura, T., Giavalisco, P., Nikoloski, Z., Persson, S., 2016. A transcriptional and metabolic framework for secondary wall formation in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 172, 1334–1351.

Li, Z., Fernie, A.R., Persson, S., 2016. Transition of primary to secondary cell wall synthesis. Science Bulletin 61, 838–846.

Li, Z., Zou, L., Ye, G., Xiong, L., Ji, Z., Zakria, M., Hong, N., Wang, G., Chen, G., 2014. A potential disease susceptibility gene CsLOB of citrus is targeted by a major virulence effector PthA of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri. Molecular Plant 7, 912–915.

Ji, Z.-Y., Zakria, M., Zou, L.-F., Xiong, L., Li, Z., Ji, G.-H., Chen, G.-Y., 2014. Genetic diversity of transcriptional activator-like effector genes in Chinese isolates of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola. Phytopathology 104, 672–682.

Li, Z., Xiong, L., Ji, Z., Zou, L., Chen, G., 2013. Mechanisms of rice resistance (susceptibility) manipulated by diverse TALEs of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and pv. oryzicola and potential utilization in rice breeding. Scientia Agricultura Sinica 46, 2894–2901.

