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网投十大信誉平台: 中心成员

网投十大信誉平台:张玉娇    副研究员

Email: yujiaozhang@ynu.edu.cn










1.Zhang YJ, Huang GF, Zhang SL, Zhang J, Gan SX, Cheng M, Hu J, Huang LY, Hu FY. 2021. An innovated crop management scheme for perennial rice cropping system and its impacts on sustainable rice production.European Journal of Agronomy122, 126186.

2.Zhang YJ, Wang R, Wang H, Wang SL, Wang XL, Li J. 2019. Soil water use and crop yield increase under different long-term fertilization practices incorporated with two-year tillage rotations.Agricultural Water Management221, 362-370.

3.Zhang YJ,Wang SL, Wang H, Ning F, Zhang YH, Dong ZY, Wen, PF, Wang R, Wang XL, Li J. 2018. The effects of conservation tillage with conventional tillage rotations on soil properties and grain yields in winter wheat-spring maize rotations.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology263, 107-117.

4.Zhang YJ, Wang SL, Wang H, Wang R, Wang XL, Li J. 2018. Crop yield and soil properties of dryland winter wheat-spring maize rotation in response to 10-year fertilization and conservation tillage practices on the Loess Plateau.Field Crops Research225, 170-179.

5.Zhang YJ,Wang R, Wang SL, Wang H, Xu ZG, Jia GC. Wang XL, Li J. 2017. Effects of different sub-soiling frequencies incorporated into no-tillage systems on soil properties and crop yield in dryland wheat-maize rotation system.Field Crops Research209, 151-158.

6.张玉娇,王浩,王淑兰,王瑞,李军,王小利. 2018.小麦/玉米轮作旱地长期轮耕的保墒增产效应.农业工程学报, 34(12), 126-136.

7.张玉娇,李军,郭正,岳志芳. 2015.施肥对渭北旱塬免耕/深松轮耕麦田产量和土壤水分影响效应模拟.作物学报, 41(11), 1726-1739.

8.张玉娇,李军,郭正,岳志芳. 2015.渭北旱塬麦田保护性轮作的产量和土壤水分效应模拟研究.中国农业科学, 48(14), 2730-2746.

9.张玉娇,李军,郭正,岳志芳. 2015.渭北旱塬小麦产量和土壤水分对保护性耕作的响应模拟.应用生态学报, 26(3), 800-808.

10. Wang H, Wang SL,Zhang YJ, Wang XL, Wang R, Li J. 2018. Tillage system change affects soil organic carbon storage and benefits land restoration on Loess soil in North China.Land Degradation & Development1-8.

11. Sun L, Wang SL,Zhang YJ, Li J,Wang XL, Wang R, Lyu W, Chen NN, Wang Q. 2018. Conservation agriculture based on crop rotation and tillage in the semi-arid Loess Plateau, China: Effects on crop yield and soil water use.Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment251, 67-77.

12. Zhang YH, Wang R, Peng XX,Zhang YJ, Ning F, Xu ZG, Wang Q, Dong ZY, Jia, GC, Wei L, Li J. 2021. Changes in soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in apple orchards in different climate regions on the Loess Plateau.Catena197, 104989.

